Interior Design Consultation

Interior Design Consultation

This is our Initial Design Consultation!

  • You have never worked with an Interior Designer before
  • You have a list of small projects throughout your home that you need help with.
  • You like to design your own home but you need guidance.
  • You have a large project that you would like ongoing consulting on
  • You are trying to choose the right paint color
  • A Full Service design package doesn't fit in your budget.

An Interior Design Consultation is the solution for you!

During our 2-hrs consultation I'll provide you with practical solutions and professional design and decorating advice specific for your home & family.

Please complete the questionnaire so we can discuss:

  1.  What you're struggling with and what your design & decorating plans are
  2.  Your likes and dislikes
  3.  What’s working in your home and what isn’t
  4.  We’ll work on determining your style and your needs
  5.  And more!

I'll bring samples of fabrics, paint, tile, counter-tops, etc., whatever goes along with the projects you list on your questionnaire.

I'm happy to provide you with any, or all, of the following:

paint colors, window treatment suggestions, furniture arrangement ideas, lighting suggestions and more

I'll write down specific notes and suggestions for your space so that you have them to refer back to.

After our Consult you may purchase the: Room Makeover package, Design-on-Demand package, or the Full Service Interior Design package. Or you may want to complete the project on your own or anything in between. We'll chat about that at our consultation.

Consults are up to 2 hours long.

I am looking forward to meeting with you!